Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tribal Sound Healing

Tribal Sound Healing
Friday April 29th 7 PM @ The Arc

Tribal Sound Healing Ceremony this Friday, everyone is welcome to come. During the ceremony we will commune and connect together with toning, tribal chanting, and other sound healing techniques. Bring drums or other acoustic instruments if you can! Tribal chanting is a great way to come together as a community, and to align ourselves with our primal energies. This helps us understand more of our true nature, moving us more fully into our power in a way that allows us to achieve unification within ourselves and the world around us. If time permits we will also do some more in depth sound healing work to align us with higher frequencies and clear our energy body, aiding in the co-creation of a healthier reality.

Love & Blessings

Sunday, April 17, 2011


From "Simplify Your Life with Balance,"

Some memories (especially negative ones) can suffocate you. You need to find strength to forgive the person or even yourself for what happened. There is no way to change your past but there is a way to change your future. Grasp the moment and focus on living in the present.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Meet the Red Dawn Artist Benefit Show for the Arc

Saturday, April 2 · 6:00pm - 11:00pm

The Arc - "Shelter from the rising waters."
3621 SE 63RD
Portland, OR

Created By

More Info

"Meet The Red Dawn" is a fundraiser for this Spring's Beltane TURNING OF THE WHEEL FESTIVAL .

...and in support with "THE ARC" household

All Ages . $5 Suggested Donation(no one turned away)
6pm - 11pm..............LIVE MUSIC/OPEN MIC starts @ 7pm

Please join us on Saturday, April 2nd for an evening of art, music and all around cerebral celebration. We urge you to cozy up and rejoice this rainy Spring by bringing out the ROUGE and the RAW. Dress up in whatever you want to manifest this upcoming season or brighten the evening by going all out in RED. We will have beverages, snacks, art up for auction and oggling, an open mic for comedians and poets alike. Live music from:

The Blow Up Dolls


Hello Electric

Raised By TV

The Arc is a NO alcohol household- we ask that you be respectful to our hosts and save the booze for the afterparty ;) Thank you!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Aries Birthday Party and Oestara Celebration

Come celebrate with us the change from Pisces to Aries and the turning of the wheel to the time of Oestara. There will be a fun filled afternoon of scavenger hunt and naturally colored eggs, Sing-a-Long, hot crossed buns and of course chocolate cake. Later we will enjoy some dinner, bring a dish to share if you wish. After dinner help us celebrate the new season and the time of the full moon at our Oestara ritual.
This is a time of abundance when the Earth is beginning to wake up from her long winter sleep. The flowers are beginning to bud out and open and we celebrate by giving thanks to the Sun and by manifesting fertility in our lives.
The time of the full moon is when we give thanks for the abundance we have manifested into our lives since the new moon. Lets make this a fun-filled afternoon and evening of togetherness and harmony. Come for all or part of the day. Donations are graciously accepted and appreciated, Thank you!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Sign's Always Flapping

Another day is passing at the Arc, another day of collective reliance on pure intuition although we have found ourselves lately to be having some modest difficulty synchronizing our individual patterns into something more cohesive and collectively self-aware. Perhaps we're being compelled to recognize that although we have each been in touch with the numinous, the Divine, the ecstatic awareness that comes through careful attention to the Mystery, to varying degrees of intensity, and we're each left with the residue of our individual paths that have landed us here (yet another beginning point), it's the converging point that finally must be left to the Mystery itself, and as much as It is ineffable, definition eludes us.

In order to incite such a convergence, as much as an organic coming-togetherness can be guided, we've been clear about our intentions, as they've been coming to light in thoughtful ceremony (at each new moon, for instance) in regular heart circle conversations, house meetings, and potluck parties (such as the one we had most recently for the Pisceans).

We've been making friends left and right (streaming through center, actually), who, since we've had the intention of creating a haven space for shamans, creators, peace-makers, seekers, free-thinkers (you know who you are), have been drawn here, have told their friends, have been multiplying like bunny rabbits. The Arc, as a place that belongs to everyone who resonates with its mission, needs all the love we each have to pour into it from grateful hearts. Also, we're becoming aware of the need to make specific requests of the community, since (as much as we're awaiting a free economy) there are tangible things that could really make the Arc (and by extension, all of us) flourish and expand our impact. So far, we've been receiving donations in many forms. Thanks to Chelsea and Zach for the set of chisels for our wood shop. Thanks to Skylar and Zui for bringing in items to enhance the altars in the meditation room. From February 11 through March 1 we had the privilege of hosting shaman Teddy Bare from San Francisco who, besides bringing us invaluable journey and healing work (individually and in small groups) gifted the house a set of Medicine Cards based on Native American spirit animal mythology. During the week of February 22 through March 1 we had the privilege of hosting Gabi Schoening, Transformational Life Coach and Intuitive Energy Worker, in transit to Hawaii, as well as her regular healing circle that is welcome to choose the Arc as its meeting space. This month the Arc also has graciously become home to two additional residents, Vajra Wolf and Zui, who are vivifying the meditation room, and are creating new temple and hostel space that's like a resonating chamber in the basement.

In order to resolve and clarify the confused and somewhat depressed atmosphere (there have been scattered allusions to limited sunlight, to solar flares, to the acclimation of the newbies, to financial anxieties--of course, none of these seem to suffice for any of us as a root "cause," and indeed, it often seems pointless in contemplating such things), many individual efforts have been put forth that, if tediously, conspire to create an evolving harmony. On Wednesday, March 2, a salon dialog was organized by myself which was the first event to be held in the meeting room upstairs. The topic itself addressed the necessity for meaningful conversation in order for a harmonious awareness to appear: "On the Importance of Dialog in Growing a Conscious Community." On Friday, Mykel arranged a discussion on Feng Shui, and everyone began remodeling the rooms accordingly. Art and music abound, and we continue in sharing at least one delicious home-cooked veggie-based meal per day, which is especially unifying, as we center ourselves in thanksgiving as a lead-in with a round-table Om.

Stop by any time. The sign's always flapping, the door's always open, like our arms for hugs, and something's usually brewing.

We have many projects in the works. Thanks to Ma Hawkeye, we have a compost bin, which is a great start to the Arc's garden, as well as a deluxe woodworking shop (awaiting some repair). Once the wood shop's running we can start building a chicken coop, shelving, and any other project ideas anyone can come up with. We're expanding the livable space by creating rooms in the basement; at the same time, the commons on the main floor is being remodeled to be more of an inviting and unifying space by the elimination of the computer and the expansion of the seating area. We're designing a mural for the back door. Zui and myself are setting up a zine workshop for our collaborative media.

We're turning our attention to these projects especially now that the sun is awakening the budding landscape and we're all seeming to come out of hibernation. We appreciate everyone who's working their magick in manifesting some things so we can continue full speed ahead.

For Spiritual practice and space, we request:
* Tapestries/Art
* Candles
* Symbolic icons/Sacred items

For Art projects and for the soon-to-be Art and Craft Room:
* Paint (any kind, color)
* Wood (scrap, recycled furniture, etc.)
* Old books and magazines

For Media projects:
* Computer Printer/Scanner/Copier
* Paper
* Notebooks
* Pens (We're good on Sharpies for now)

For the Garden:
* Organic seeds (herbs, vegetables)
* Rocks for fire pit
* Tools (shovels, hoes, etc.)

The Arc is a collective of mystic visionaries who recognize idealism as the new realism, who, in putting forth their humble intentions to create a peaceful world, realize that love needs to be practiced radically now more than ever. As a collective, we're committed to learning and growing together in the pursuit of transcendent wholeness. As a public house, the Arc is a place where all of us, on our individual quests to establish a harmonious and sustainable world, can connect with each other and provide space and services to our beloved Portland neighbors.

In the name of healing, The Arc: Shelter from the Rising Waters, offers food as medicine (with the guidance of Antares, our Apothecary and Ayurvedic chef), meditation space and sacred ceremonies, collaborative art space, music, space for classes and other forms of healing (including massage, yoga, and energy healing) and hostel space for our weary travelers.

We love you, friends, and we're very grateful that we can offer our home to you.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thank you Winter

Thank you winter for showing us the magic of stillness and silence. Deep and profound respect. Quiet contemplation. Joyful anticipation. Faith, hope, LOVE.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011